Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Celebrating Another Anniversary!

We'll be traveling to celebrate another anniversary this weekend!

In our former lives, we worked and traveled at the pleasure of the Department of the Interior, more precisely the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Over the course of his career, Dave managed some of the largest game ranges in the United States, with the most recent being Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. We spent six years in Burns, which is located in eastern Oregon and is also known as the "Oregon Outback". This weekend, Malheur NWR will be celebrating it's 100th anniversary as a National Wildlife Refuge and we have been invited to attend!

Also, Rogue Ales has released a Great Egret Pale Ale to commemorate this event!

If you try to contact us via email or Etsy convo this weekend, we will reply as soon as we return on Sunday. Thanks to Hurricane Ike, the motherboard for my laptop is still sitting in Houston.